Wednesday 10 December 2014

Task 2/3 – Developing Editing Techniques

Task Three – Developing Editing Techniques

In camera editing
In camera editing is basically a technique of video production, which the person operating the camera shoots the shots in a specific order which it will be viewed in.
This is a unique process which many people use that operate cameras can be intimidated by.
This was a technique used used a lot in the early days of film making before "splicing" (this was the process of cutting/reconnecting film strip) became easier.
One of the most known in-camera editors was George Meiles.
Editors moved on from in-camera editing because with a camera you are able to pause and look at the film and see how it comes out and if you want to change it then you are able to change it by filming it again.
The camera editing process took a great deal of planning just so that the shots tat were filmed would be the ones that will be viewed in a specific order. There is also no cutting out and editing scenes after filming. Once the very last scene has been filmed then the production is completely finished.   

In our in camera editing video you can see that we was not properly prepared and we had to keep re taking the first shots making it turn into a bad start of the video but as the video went on there was less retakes

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